Hey! Don’t get it twisted, knowledge is very good and lots
of it is even better as it stands you out among your peers or equals. There is
even a saying that knowledge is power and I believe it too and having lots of
it makes you powerful.
However, we are a generation that is opportune to know so
much because we happen to find ourselves in the information age, where
information is at our beck and call.
How come despite our knowledge and even lots of it, we are
still poor, behind and frustrated?
I think the reason is simple…
We know so much and we do too little with what we know.
In case you don’t know, know this today that like a water
that stinks because it isn’t flowing so would you start stinking (irritating
people) because you have not created outlets for what you by putting into good
use what you know.
Also, the knowledge that
empowers you is not the knowledge that you store up, rather it is the
one that you put into use.
No matter how robust your physical or digital library is, if
you don’t put those knowledge into profitable use, your life will not be
Lest I forget empowers you is not the knowledge that you
store up, rather it is the one that you put into use.
No matter how robust your physical or digital library is, if
you don’t put those knowledge into profitable use, your life will not be
Lest I forget, there is also this group of persons who are
in the habots of gulping or eating all kinds of information they come across
and they wonder why they aren’t growing too.
Let me ask you, have you seen a fish fed with food belonging
to goats before? If that ever happens, the end result would be death for the
fish. Likewise you, if you don’t feed your purpose with the right food, it will
Be mindful, what you consume, consume only what your purpose
needs to function well.
Also consume only what you can use or else you will soon
start irritating people with the too many things you know and the too little
you have accomplished.
Thank you.
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